
the photography, music and ramblings of Matt Lipstein

Driving In the Dark

Driving back from the Jers tonight, we saw an amazing sight from the road. A giant set of neon letters was beckoing from a huge warehouse space. As we got closer, we deciphered that it said "IN THE DARK".

We rounded the corner, bringing the warehouse right up against us and saw that the letters were also spread across the long side of the warehouse. The total message read: "IT IS GREEN THINKS NATURE EVEN IN THE DARK"

I love me some public art. The experience of seeing this form the road was thrilling and frightening. The letters were HUGE! Where did they come from? What did it mean?

A little investigation found that the artwork is called "indestructible language" and was done by Mary Ellen Carroll . The piece is a commentary on global warming and on living green. Check the info on The Precipice Alliance's webpage.

Go public art go.

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