
the photography, music and ramblings of Matt Lipstein

Mystery Part Seven: Initiating Contact

So it's been a while since we've had any developments in the land of Squalloopi. Moments ago (8:33am on April 16th to be exact), I sent the following email to the address listed on the original letter that came with the package.

My name is Matthew Lipstein, and on April 1st I received your package with instructions of how to participate in the real-world mystery game. Up until now I have been playing to the best of my ability, publicizing my clues and enlisting the help of all my friends. All of the developments can be seen on my website,

While I feel I have made some progress, I feel I have reached a dead end and am requesting some assistance. Could you please provide another clue or some indication of which road to go down in order to fulfill my role in the game?
Any contact or instruction is appreciated.


Matthew Lipstein

Will anything come of this? Does anyone read this email account? Will this expose the whole thing as a marketing ploy for HushMail?

Only time will tell, and be sure I'll post any contact I receive right here on the website.

Stay tuned....

2 Responses to “Mystery Part Seven: Initiating Contact”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.  

  2. # Blogger O.D.B

    What! What happened? What's going on?  

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