Published by Matt
on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 11:09 AM. 

45 RPM Record Adapters, plastic and metal construction, 1950's - 1970's.
Top Row: Philco / Morse MFG. C, Fitchburg Mass. / No name ( Duotone type )/ Snap-It / No name
Second Row: No name ( Duotone type ) / Unknown German / No name ( Duotone type ) / No name ( Hutchison type ) / Fideltone
Third Row: Recotron / Webster / Airline / North American Philips (Norelco) / Audio Tool
Fourth Row : No name ( Duotone type ) / Automatic Plastics Company ( Canada ) / No name / No name ( Recotron type ) / No name
One of the things you run across as a geeky thrift store / swap meet record collector is millions of 7" records. During the height of my collecting in the late 90's I picked up dozens of cheap 45s ( and 7" 33s as well ) not always for the records themselves, but tor the great adapters stuck in the middle of these swell slabs of wax.
Above is a small cross section of some of these engineering marvels from my collection.
Check out this skookum article for an overview of the history of these adapters....
Gorgeous aren't they? This post is a straight rip from an old
MBV post. Which was a straight rip from
glenmullaly's flikr stream.
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